2023-2024 Outstanding Educator of the Year Call for Nominations

Georgia Project Learning Tree (GA PLT) is excited to announce the release of our 2023-2024 Outstanding Educator of the Year Award call for nominations! This award recognizes trained PLT educators in Georgia who use the PLT curriculum with students, teachers, and their communities. The deadline for nominations is February 23.

Eligible nominees include any educator, formal or non-formal, in the state of Georgia who is certified in PLT. Nominations can be made by any individual in support of an educator or educators can self-nominate.

Why should I nominate someone? This is an opportunity for GA PLT to formally recognize the efforts of outstanding educators for their commitment to environmental and forestry education and exceptional teaching skills. The selected awardee will receive:

  • State-wide recognition through GA PLT
  • Press-release highlighting their outstanding efforts
  • Social media recognition
  • $200 stipend
  • Certificate of Recognition to display

How do I submit a nomination? To submit a nomination, please download the “Nomination Form” below. Complete the form, save the document to your files, and email the completed form and supporting evidence to gaprojectlearningtree@gmail.com. Please place include in the subject line, Outstanding Educator of the Year Nomination: Insert name of nominee.

Download Nomination Form: